That means you need to leave the row height set to implicitly adjust (done by choosing AutoFit as the row height) and, somehow, get it to go no lower than 25.

If you change the row height for a workbook to 25, explicitly, it won't adjust larger automatically. Loretta wants the row height to be 25 and adjust larger, if necessary, and she wants it to be done automatically. If you change the font from Calibri to Arial, but leave it at 20 points, the row height automatically changes to 25.5. For instance, if you change from 10-point Calibri to 20-point Calibri, you would expect the row height to double-but it doesn't. There seems to be no rhyme or reason on how this calculation occurs.

The default font for Excel is 10-point Calibri, so the row height is calculated to be 12.75. Implicit height is calculated by Excel based on the size of the largest font used in the row. When you do so, you are "locking" the row height so that it is always what you specified. You specify an explicit row height by using the tools on the ribbon to specify the exact height you want used for a particular row or rows. There are two ways you can specify row height in a worksheet: explicitly or implicitly. She wonders how to make the default work this way. The default row height in her worksheet seems to be 12.75 but she'd like that to be, perhaps, 25 and then auto-adjust for any rows that need to have more height. She doesn't want some "skinny" rows to appear.

Loretta wants to set a default row height with word wrap, but she also wants automatic row height to play into it.